Start-Up Team (SUT) Final Inception Report
27 January, 2015
SC 104017 MYA: JFPR-9174 Enhancing Rural Livelihoods and Incomes
Start-Up Team (SUT) Final Inception Report
1.1 Implementation Arrangements
1. The Republic of the Union of Myanmar has received a grant in the amount of US$12 million from the Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction (JFPR) administered by the Asian Development Bank (ADB), to implement the Enhancing Rural Livelihoods and Incomes Project (ERLIP). The Ministry of Livestock, Fisheries and Rural Development (MLFRD) is the executing agency (EA) for the Project and the MLFRD Department of Rural Development (DRD) is the primary implementing agency (IA). The other IAs are noted below. GMU staff members and Township, Village Tract (VT) and Village organizational functions are in Attachment A.
Level IA
Union DRD Grant Management Unit (GMU)
Township DRD Grant Implementing Unit (GIU)
Village Tract Existing Development Support Committee (VT-DSC)
Village Existing Development Support Committees (Village-DSCs)
1.2 Expected Impact and Outcome
2. The ERLIP design and monitoring framework (DMF) indicates the expected impact is reduced poverty and, as its name implies, the intended direct outcome is increased incomes to be achieved through improving the main agricultural livelihoods of the poor in targeted areas:
Target State/Region Expected Main Livelihoods
Ayeyarwady Delta Rain-fed or flooded rice
Central Dry Zone Oilseeds and pulses
Shan State Horticulture (garlic, chilies)
Tanintharyi Dried fish and shrimp
All Four S/Rs Aquaculture
1.3 Participatory Community-Driven Development (CDD) Process
3. ERLIP will follow a participatory development process driven by the village DSCs. The starting point will be the generic World Bank financed National Community-Driven Development Project (NCDDP) process that is also being implemented by DRD (Attachment B). This will require adaption, as ERLIP will: (i) focus on livelihoods and incomes and (ii) cover only 16 priority VTs per township (Attachment C). Attachment C will be updated, from time to time, but the initial ERLIP CDD process, its anticipated durations and outputs are summarized below.
4. Participatory CDD process adaptation (Attachment C) will be based on: (i) ADB Project Administration Instruction PAI 5.10: Implementing Small Projects with Community Participation, (ii) other relevant ADB policies and guidelines, (ii) experience of the Livelihood and Food Security Trust Fund (LIFT) (, (iii) needs of the Green Village program being initiated by DRD, (iv) relevantNGO and donor experience and (v) results of ERLIP pilot implementation presently being initiated by DRD supported by the Start-Up Team (SUT).
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