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Department of Rural Development

Ministry of Livestock, Fisheries and Rural Development

National Community Driven Development Project

Assignment Title: Township Level Technical Assistance

Reference No: C4.1 XXX** Township , Naipaytaw Territory

C4.6 XXX** Township, Yangon Region

The Republic of the Union of Myanmar hasreceived financing from the World Bank to implement the National Community DrivenDevelopment Project (NCDD) under the Department of Rural Development (DRD) of the Ministry of Livestock, Fisheries and RuralDevelopment. The Government intends to apply part of the Grant proceeds to hire consulting services for new townships to be coveredstarting Cycle 2 of project implementation. The consulting services (the “Services”) include:

  • Assisting the township DRD office in planning, implementing and monitoring projectactivities in the township in line with guidelines contained in the Project Operations Manual and directions received from DRDunion office.
  • Assisting villages and village tracts in the preparation and annual revision ofdevelopment plans; sub-project technical design, cost estimation and social safeguards implementation; review and approval ofsub-projects; procurement of labor and materials; construction supervision; and organization of annual social audits.
  • Assisting village tract project support committees to manage project funds in atransparent and accountable manner.

The Services will be carriedoutin one township each (there will be two assignments with two separatecontracts) in

  • XXX** Township, Naypyitaw Territory (C 4.1 /14),
  • XXX** Township, Yangon Region (C 4.6 /14),

by a Consultant Team of seven (7)Experts, all but one of whom will be Myanmar nationals: (a) Lead CDD, Participation and Training Specialist,(b) International CDD Specialist (short-term), (c) Finance Officer, (d) Procurement Officer, (e) Monitoring and Evaluation and MISOfficer, (f) Infrastructureand Safeguards Specialist, and (g) Social Accountability and Gender Specialist. In addition, theConsultant will also locally recruit CFs (average of 1CF per 2 villagetracts) and TFs (average of 1 TF per 3 village tracts). The Consultant will be engaged for a period of 24 months startingSeptember, 2014.

DRD now invites eligible consulting firms or NGOs (“Consultants”) to indicate their interest in providing the Services.Interested Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevantexperienceto perform the Services in one or more of the townships in the aforementioned locations. Consultants may associate withother NGOs/firms inthe form of a joint venture or a sub-consultancy to enhance their qualifications.

Expressions of Interest must be submitted in a written form to the address below (in person, or by mail, or bye-mail) byJuly 21, 2014.

A consultant will be selected in accordance with the QBS method set out in the Consultant Guidelines. The short-listingcriteria are:

Past experience with community based development activities in similar conditions as in Myanmar, with prior experience inMyanmar preferred;

Availability of staff with relevant expertise;

Size of relevant assignment contracts over the past five years.

Further information and a copy of the detailed Terms of Reference (TOR) may be obtained from the NCDD Project webpage: https://www.cdd.drdmyanmar.org or theaddressbelow during office hours from 0900 to 1600, Monday through Friday, except public holidays.


Attn: U KhantZaw (Deputy ChiefEngineer)

NCDD Project Secretariat Office

Department of Rural Development

Ministry of Livestock, Fisheries and Rural Development

Office No. 14, Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar

Tel. & Fax: 067- 409413

Email address: drdmyanmar@gmail.com

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